Product, version and build: 5.8.246
Operating system: windows 10
PowerShell version(s): 7.4.4
I want to close the PleaseWait form after the data is gathered but I can not find how to close that form from the main form see code
$Users = Get-ADUser -filter { Enabled -eq $true } -SearchScope 1 -SearchBase "OU=CK Users,DC=ckmhc,DC=org" -Properties * | Select-Object -Property name,
SamAccountName, Description
$DataTable = ConvertTo-DataTable -InputObject ($users)
$datagridview1.DataSource = $DataTable
I want to close the pleasWait form here
Operating system: windows 10
PowerShell version(s): 7.4.4
I want to close the PleaseWait form after the data is gathered but I can not find how to close that form from the main form see code
$Users = Get-ADUser -filter { Enabled -eq $true } -SearchScope 1 -SearchBase "OU=CK Users,DC=ckmhc,DC=org" -Properties * | Select-Object -Property name,
SamAccountName, Description
$DataTable = ConvertTo-DataTable -InputObject ($users)
$datagridview1.DataSource = $DataTable
I want to close the pleasWait form here
Statistics: Posted by CKMHC-it — Wed Jul 24, 2024 10:25 am